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What Freedom Day means to Sydneysiders right now.

Wow, what a week! This week has been busy, from freedom day and an anniversary spent alone to organising a 21st birthday gathering with restrictions. So how will you remember your first week out of lockdown? Sydney Australia has finally come out of lockdown for those who have no idea what I am talking about!

What Freedom Day means to Sydneysiders right now. Read More »

sydney lock down

Sydney Lockdown has me feeling blah!

I am unsure how others feel in Sydney, but this lockdown has me feeling blah! In other words, very different this time around. Usually (even in restrictions), I can find the positives in life, being able to be grateful for what life has to offer in any situation.  The hardest part about this is I should love my time

Sydney Lockdown has me feeling blah! Read More »

Living with psoriasis

How Psoriasis Affects Mental Health

Statistics show that Psoriasis now affects 125 million documented people worldwide in other worlds 2-3% of the population.  Why I am so passionate about Psoriasis Let me start from the beginning and how I have come to learn so much about Psoriasis and why I am so passionate about how Psoriasis affects mental health.  Back when I

How Psoriasis Affects Mental Health Read More »

Singapore's new restrictions

What Does A Week With Singapore’s New Restrictions Look Like ?

Wow, how quickly life changes and rules are implemented in this ongoing pandemic. Once upon a time, technology and globalization allowed the world to evolve relatively quickly. We were told continuously that “the only constant in life is change”, but we had no idea what it meant until now! So what does a week with Singapore’s

What Does A Week With Singapore’s New Restrictions Look Like ? Read More »

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